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Satish Dhawan Space Centre, India

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Indian Space Research Organization

Government • IND

Satish Dhawan Space Centre First Launch Pad

Satish Dhawan Space Centre

Nov 30 at 05:30am

Launchpad time•+0530

Nov 30 at 12:00am

Your local time•+0000

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Note: For all launches the scheduled launch dates and times are subject to change due to weather, equipment, crew and other factors.

Mission description

Proba-3 (Project for On-Board Autonomy 3) is the first close formation flying mission for the European Space Agency (ESA). It consists of two independent, three-axis stabilised spacecraft flying 150 meters from one another with the ability to accurately control the attitude and separation of the two craft. Such formation flying will be maintained for 6 hours, creating ″artificial solar eclipse″ for the satellite below. The spacecraft pair will fly a highly elliptical orbit divided between periods of accurate formation flying around apogee, when payload operations will be possible, and periods of free flight.

— Proba-3


Attending a launch in person

The on-site launch view gallery is accessible by applying for a pass on the ISRO website. Booking is free and is allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. The booking website is only online during the registration window.

On launch day you won't be allowed on Sriharikota without a valid pass.

Launch View Gallery: 7 kilometers away, capacity of 5000. It has tiered seating like a sports stadium. Has a jumbotron. Right next to the space museum. Not covered so for daytime launches it gets crazy hot and you'll need an umbrella.

For those without a pass there is a good view of the launch from Venadu Road near Pullicat Lake. In summer the lakebed dries up and you can walk onto it for a slightly better view.

Venadu Road: 12 kilometers away. Near the first security checkpoint at Attakanitippa.

How to get there

The closest commercial airport is Chennai International Airport in Chennai.

A 3-hour drive from the airport in a rental car will get you to Satish Dhawan Space Centre.

Alternatively a bus can be taken from the airport to Sullurpeta, and from there a taxi or other local transport option can take you 1 hour to the center.


Nearby hotels in Sullurpeta or a bit further in Chennai.

Nearby parking

Parking available on-site.

Agency details

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is India's national space agency, known for its cost-effective and successful missions. ISRO's achievements include the Mars Orbiter Mission (Mangalyaan), Chandrayaan lunar missions, and a robust satellite launch program with the PSLV and GSLV rockets, contributing to space exploration and satellite communication.