Launch details
Soyuz 2.1b/Fregat-M | Ionosfera-M 1 & 2
Launch details
Soyuz 2.1b/Fregat-M | Ionosfera-M 1 & 2
Government • RUS
Cosmodrome Site 1S
Vostochny Cosmodrome
Nov 05 at 08:18am
Launchpad time•+0900
Nov 04 at 11:18pm
Your local time•+0000
Current status
Launch Successful
Soyuz 2.1b Fregat-M
Launch vehicle
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Note: For all launches the scheduled launch dates and times are subject to change due to weather, equipment, crew and other factors.
Mission description
Ionosfera is a constellation of four ionospheric and magnetospheric research satellites developed by for Roscosmos for the project Ionozond.
The satellites will operate on circular sun-synchronous orbits (SSO), at altitude of about 800 km and located in two orbital planes of two satellites each.
The following science instruments are carried on the satellites:
* SPER/1 Plasma and energy radiation spectrometer
* SG/1 Gamma-ray spectrometer
* GALS/1 Galactic cosmic ray spectrometer / 1
* LAERTES On-board Ionosonde
* NBK/2 Low-frequency wave complex
* ESEP Ionospheric plasma energy spectrometer
* Ozonometer-TM Ozonometer
* MayaK On-board radio transmitters
The launch also include a secondary payload of 53 small satellites developed by various institutions and companies in Russia and other nations (including 2 from Iran) for technology demonstration, communication and Earth observation purposes.
— Ionosfera-M 1 & 2
Attending a launch in person
Paid guided tours are how foreigners access Russian cosmodromes, for example Russia Discovery or Star City Tours, at a cost of around 3000 USD. The most valuable service they'll provide is organizing your permits with the Russian or Kazakh authorities.
If you only plan on seeing one, Vostochny is the most modern and likely the heart of Russian spaceflight moving forward, while Baikonur is steeped in history as the launch place of the first human in space (Yuri Gagarin) and the first woman in space (Valentina Tereshkova).
How to get there
The closest commercial airport is Ignatyevo Airport in Blagoveshchensk. Tsiolkovsky Airport is much closer to the Cosmodrome but flights are restricted.
From Blagoveshchensk a 4-hour train or bus ride will get you to Tsiolkovsky, a town that serves the spaceport.
Nearby hotels in Tsiolkovsky.
Agency details
Russian Federal Space Agency (ROSCOSMOS) oversees Russia's space activities, including human spaceflight, satellite launches, and interplanetary missions. Notable for its Soyuz spacecraft and Progress resupply missions to the ISS, ROSCOSMOS plays a crucial role in international space collaboration.