Launch details

Soyuz 2.1a | Bion-M No. 2


Government RUS

Site 31

Baikonur Cosmodrome

Jul 31 at 05:00am

Launchpad time+0500

Jul 31 at 12:00am

Your local time+0000

Current status


Soyuz 2.1a

Launch vehicle

Bion-M No. 2






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Note: For all launches the scheduled launch dates and times are subject to change due to weather, equipment, crew and other factors.

Mission description

Bion-M is the next generation of Russian biological research satellites. While retaining the Vostok/Zenit-derived reentry module of the earlier Bion, the propulsion module has been replace by a Yantar type module, which provides maneuvering capabilities and longer mission support. The mission duration has been increased to up to 6 months by using solar cells for energy generation. The weight of scientific equipment has been increased by 100 kilograms.

Bion-M No. 2


Attending a launch in person

Paid guided tours are how foreigners access Russian cosmodromes, for example Russia Discovery or Star City Tours, at a cost of around 3000 USD. The most valuable service they'll provide is organizing your permits with the Russian or Kazakh authorities.

If you only plan on seeing one, Vostochny is the most modern and likely the heart of Russian spaceflight moving forward, while Baikonur is steeped in history as the launch place of the first human in space (Yuri Gagarin).

How to get there

The closest commercial airport is Kyzylorda Airport in Kyzylorda. If flying internationally you will likely need to change flights at a larger hub like Almaty International Airport.

From the airport you can take a 3-drive via rental car or a 4-hour train to Baikonur.


Nearby hotels in Baikonur.

Agency details

Russian Federal Space Agency (ROSCOSMOS) oversees Russia's space activities, including human spaceflight, satellite launches, and interplanetary missions. Notable for its Soyuz spacecraft and Progress resupply missions to the ISS, ROSCOSMOS plays a crucial role in international space collaboration.